Quiz - Meeting 5

Kamis, 29 Maret 2012.
1. With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?
Jawab C. Abolitionists
A. The Wyoming Territory
B. The Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments
C. Abolitionists
D. Women’s suffrage
2. The word ban in paragraph 1 most nearly means to
Answer C. prohibit
A. Encourage C. prohibit
B. Publish D. limit

3. The word primarily in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
Answer D. always
A. above all C. finally
B. Somewhat D. always

4. What had occurred shortly after the Civil War?
Answer B. A women’s suffrage bill was introduced in
A. The Wyoming Territory was admitted to the Union
B. A women’s suffrage bill was introduced in
C. The eastern states resisted the end of the war
D. Black people were granted the right to vote

5. The word suffrage in paragraph 3 could best be replaced by which of the following?
Answer C. freedom from bondage
A. pain C. freedom from bondage
B. Citizenship D. the right to vote

6. The word it in paragraph 3 refers to
Answer. C. Nineteenth Amendment

A. bill C. Nineteenth Amendment
B. Congress D. vote

7. What does the Nineteenth Amendment guarantee?
Answer. C. Voting rights for women
A. Voting rights for blacks
B. Citizenship for blacks
C. Voting rights for women
D. Citizenship for women

8. When were women allowed to vote throughout the United States?
Answer. D. After 1920
A. After 1866 C. After 1878
B. After 1870 D. After 1920


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